Thursday, August 29, 2019

Winter Woollies For The Doll Family

I've been editing many, many patterns for doll clothes from Trove, the National Library Of Australia's website for defunct newspapers. Here's a sweet one for a complete set of clothes for a 12" baby doll. It includes a vest (undershirt), pilchers (panties), a petticoat, a dress, and a matinee jacket. The photo includes a bonnet, which is published in a later issue of the Sydney Mail. It dates from January, 1936. The 30's was the decade with the most patterns for doll's clothes, most likely reflecting the need for mothers to make home-made gifts for their little ones during the Great Depression. Check out the original pattern here.

Here's a re-write I did of the pattern that you may find useful. 

Since every child likes variety, a set of winter clothes for the doll family will be warmly welcomed.
The Sydney Mail (NSW, Australia), Wednesday 29 January 1936.

This little knitted set is made to fit a 12-inch doll.
Materials: 2 oz of 2-ply wool, 3 ½ yards of ribbon, No. 10 (US 3. 3.25mm) needles.
Begin at the lower edge of the back and cast on 40 stitches. Knit into the back threads and then knit in a fancy rib.
1st Row: * 2 plain, 2 purl, repeat from * to the end of the row.
2nd Row: Purl.
Repeat these 2 rows to form the pattern. When the work measures 5 inches, cast off 20 stitches in the centre — knit on one shoulder only for 24 rows. Join in the wool on the other side of the shoulder and make this side exactly the same as the other shoulder. Cast on 20 stitches in the centre of the two shoulder-straps and knit in pattern until the front is the same length as the back. Cast off.
Press lightly, sew up the side seams, allowing an opening of 2 inches at the armholes.
Crochet ribbon holes round the neck. 3 chain * 1 treble into neck of the shirt 2 chain repeat from * all round neck; finish off. Crochet round armholes. Thread the neck with ribbon.
Begin at the front and cast on 40 stitches. Knit into the back threads along the first row. Rib 2 plain, 2 purl for 4 rows.
Make ribbon holes; * 2 plain, wool over the needle knit 2 together, repeat from * to the end of the row. Rib for another 4 rows.
The Pattern: 1st row, * knit 2, purl 2, repeat from * to the end of the row.
2nd Row: Purl.
Repeat these 2 rows to form the pattern.
Knit until the work measures 2 inches and then shape the legs. Cast off 3 stitches at the beginning of the next 6 rows (9 stitches from each leg). Knit in pattern for 12 rows. Cast on 3 stitches at the beginning of the next 6 rows. Knit in pattern until the work measures 2 inches. To shape the back, knit to within 10 stitches of the end of the row in pattern, turn, and knit to within 10 stitches of the other end of the row. Knit on, taking up to 2 extra stitches from each end of the needle until all stitches are knitted into one row again.
Rib 2 plain, 2 purl for 4 rows. Make the ribbon holes and finish with a further 4 rows of ribbing. Cast off.
To Make Up: Sew up the side seams after having pressed the work lightly. Crochet a row of double crochet round each leg. Thread with ribbon at the waist.
Begin at the lower edge of the back and cast on 66 stitches. Knit into the back threads along the first row.
Knit in pattern. 1st Row: Knit 2, wool forward, * knit 2, knit 2 together twice, knit 2, wool forward knit 1, wool forward and repeat from * to the end of the row.
2nd Row: Purl. These two rows form the lace pattern. Work 8 lace patterns. Change to the fancy ribbed stitch that the vest has been made in, and when the work measures 6 inches make ribbon holes in the same way as the ribbon holes were made in the pilchers.
Knit 2 together here and there across the skirt until there are 40 stitches left.
Continue in pattern for 1 inch. Cast off 20 stitches in the centre for the neck. Knit on one side only for 21 inches. Make the other side of the neck in the same way. Cast on 20 stitches in the centre, work for 1 inch, increase to 66 stitches again.
Make ribbon holes and finish the front of skirt in exactly the same way as the back was made, finishing with 8 pattern rows and casting off loosely. Press gently. Sew up the side seams, allowing the top part of the petticoat to act as armholes. Crochet ribbon holes round the neck and work a row of double crochet round each armhole. Thread at waist and neck with ribbons.
BEGIN at the lower edge of the front and cast on 84 stitches. Knit into the back threads along the first row.
Knit in pattern. 1st Row: Knit 2, wool forward * knit 2, knit 2 together twice, knit 2, wool forward knit 1, wool forward repeat from * to the knit 1, wool forward repeat from * to the end of the row.
2nd Row: Purl. Repeat these two rows to make the pattern.
Work 8 patterns and then on the wrong side of the work.
Knit 1 row.
Knit 1 row.
Purl 1 row.
In every 8th pattern vary it, working the 3 rows already given.
When the skirt measures in 7 ½ inches decrease for the waist. Knit 2 together here and there until there are 40 stitches.
Make the ribbon holes. Work in garter switch (every row plain) for II inches. To shape the neck, cast off 15 stitches in the centre, knit on one side only for 8 rows. Join the wool in on the other side
of the neck and make this side to correspond with the one just completed. Cast on 7 stitches at the neck edge and work for another 1 ½ inches. Make the other side of the back in the same way. Knit straight across the two back pieces. Make ribbon holes, and increase in the next row to 84 stitches.
Knit in pattern and make the skirt to match the front.
Cast off slackly.
Press lightly. Sew up the side seams to just above the ribbon holes. Crochet round the neck and take it in a little to make it fit the doll's neck. Crochet round each armhole. Put a button on the back and crochet a loop for a buttonhole. Thread with ribbon at the waist.

BEGIN at the lower edge of the back and cast on 48 stitches. Knit into the back threads.
Knit in pattern: — 1st Row: Knit 2, wool forward, * knit 2, knit 2 together twice, knit 2 wool forward, knit 1, wool forward; repeat from * to the end of the row.
2nd Row: Purl. Repeat the last two rows to make the pattern.
After the 8th pattern. On the wrong side of the work, Knit 1 row.
Knit 1 row.
Purl 1 row.
Work another 8 rows of pattern.
The pattern for the yoke:
1st Row: * 2 plain, 2 purl, repeat from * to the end of the row (on the right side of the work).
2nd Row: Purl.
3rd Row: * 2 purl, 2 plain, repeat from * to the end of the row.
4th Row: Purl.
Repeat the last 4 rows to make the pattern.
After the 1st row of the pattern, cast on 20 stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows for the sleeves. When the sleeves measure 2 inches, cast off 20 stitches in the centre for the back of the neck. Knit on one side only. Knit in pattern for 8 rows.
Cast on ten stitches at the neck edge. Knit in pattern, keeping 5 stitches at the front edge knitted in garter stitch (every row plain) to make a border to go down the front. When the sleeve measures the same as the back part of the sleeve, cast off 20 stitches. Increase in the next row to 35 stitches. Knit in pattern for 30 stitches and work the 5 border stitches in garter stitch. Make the front the same length as the back. Cast off. Make the other front the same. Press. Sew up.
Make ribbon holes round neck. Crochet round sleeves, taking them in slightly to make them puff. Thread with ribbon.
(The Bonnet instructions will be published next week.)

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